The Cost of Privacy Report

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Seth Adler
Seth Adler

Privacy legislation is already firmly in place in Europe through GDPR and the state of California through CCPA. Australia's Privacy Act, Japan's APPI and South Korea's PIPA continue to evolve. Brazile, Thailand, Chile, New Zealand and India all have legislation in the works.

Global corporate enterprise executives responsible for PII data privacy policy must act now to get ahead of where legislation is going to save future time and cost associated with coming compliance mandates. Those mandates will likely echo current popular sentiment. 

To better understand how people perceive both their digital identity and how it is managed, Okta commissioned Juniper Research to conduct an online survey of over 12,000 people between the ages of 18 and 75 in six countries: Australia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

When COVID-19 changed our world, Juniper went back and asked nearly 6,000 of those original respondents how the pandemic has affected the way they think about privacy. The respondents were selected on a nationally representative basis of age, gender, and location. This report will summarise the findings of that survey.

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