How To Improve Your Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

Adding more data with more context to provide better cyber security

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Seth Adler
Seth Adler

Traditional scanning methods lack the content and context needed to reduce risk and enable rapid response to imminent threats. The ‘scan and patch’ approach used by many organizations simply doesn’t work anymore – security teams need technology that sees beyond generic severity scores and allows them to remediate their most exposed vulnerabilities first. This e-book discusses a risk-based approach to prioritise vulnerabilities.

More Content, Better Context

The primary challenge for all vulnerability management programs is remediating the large volumes of critical severity vulnerabilities. Without gaining full context and understanding of their attack surface, security teams are unable to effectively identify, prioritise and remediate potential threat vectors in time or ensure their security controls are compliant with corporate policies and regulatory requirements.

  • Organisations have too many vulnerabilities to remediate
  • Lack a clear view of actual vulnerability risk
  • Ineffective vulnerability prioritisation not granular enough and not including the context of an organisation’s security controls such as firewalls/IPSs

Key Takeaways Include:

  • Building a comprehensive, current and centralized repository of vulnerability occurrences accessible on-demand, encompassing vulnerabilities from on-prem, multi-cloud and OT networks
  • Correlating occurrences with asset importance and available/active exploits
  • Sharing best response options, including patches, IPS signatures and recommendations for configuration or access changes
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