

Cyber Security Mid-Year Snapshot 2019

Alarice Rajagopal | 06/22/2019

Cyber Security Hub fielded a survey to subscribers in May 2019 to benchmark what has happened so far in the first six months of the year and what is expected in the next six. This mid-year checkpoint is a follow-up to the previously fielded survey that took place in November 2018. Here, we compare the survey responses from both results to reveal what cyber security professionals thought they would focus on for the year, versus what really happened first half of 2019.

This report has a corresponding webinar which examines the report findings in detail. Join us on Tuesday, August 13 at 2pm Eastern for the 6 Key Enterprise Cyber Security Trends And Predictions webinar.

With the U.S. Presidential Election around the corner, and the many headlines covering data breaches and cyber attacks among other newsworthy incidents, this mid-year data revealed some interesting insights including:

  • The overall sentiment remains positive, while threats continue to evolve.
  • Cyber security budgets have already increased first half of the year, and don't show signs of slowing down.
  • Data privacy legislation and compliance are becoming the norm for enterprises.
  • Security awareness and training still continue to be a top priority for enterprises now and going into the new year.

Some other trends and insights that surfaced to the top of the list also included a shift in the top three threat vectors, major concern for cloud security, a significant increase in those citing the talent crisis as an issue, potential industry-wide consolidation out of necessity, and a look at standards and frameworks.

Read the full report "Cyber Security Mid-Year Snapshot 2019," to see where your enterprise stands, and better prepare for what's to come for the cyber security industry in 2020.


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