Cyber Security Digital Summit Panel Discussion: Who Is Responsible For Cyber Security In The Enterprise?

Cyber Security Digital Summit Fall 2019

In this Cyber Security Digital Summit panel discussion with Mastercard, Pensar Development and Yum! Brands, discover why everyone within the business is responsible for Cyber Security and how to educate the enterprise on safeguarding customer data.

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This FREE webinar was recorded on:
November 13, 2019
12:30 PM - 01:15 PM EST

Cyber Security is still primarily seen as an ‘IT issue’ and this often means that security often gets “bolted on” rather than embedded in a company’s ecosystem. In this panel discussion, discover why everyone within the business is responsible for Cyber Security and how to educate the enterprise on safeguarding customer data.

  • Improve security by creating a culture of healthy suspicion
  • Encourage the executive board to communicate policies
  • Ensure best practice is maintained throughout your business

Kim Parham, Information Governance Compliance Analyst, Yum! Brands
Kayne McGladrey, Director of Security & IT, CIO, CISO, Pensar Development
Seth Eichenholtz, Head of eDiscovery and Head of Insider Threat Risk Management, Mastercard


Jeff Orr
Editor In Chief
Cyber Security Hub

Jeff Orr is a veteran technology strategist, conference producer, and industry analyst passionate about the way people interact with systems and machines through emerging technologies and new user experiences. At Cyber Security Hub, he oversees all editorial direction of its complete portfolio of online products -- as well as engages a network of esteemed industry board members, analysts and key influencers to make CSHub a renowned resource for all things cyber security. Jeff was actively involved in the development and launch of industry-first products, including Wi-Fi and 4G solutions, and leading the wireless strategy for a Fortune 100 entertainment company. His research on emerging technologies includes AI, cyber security, Industrial IoT (IIoT), mobile computing, wearables, and user interfaces.

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