

Automating Enterprise Cyber Security Report

Seth Adler | 10/26/2020

Based on the current global macroeconomics construct, there is little sign that budgets will rise during H1 2021. That said, ever increasingly complex automated attackers are identifying new vulnerabilities and activating new enterprise breaches. Unfortunately and inevitably, some of those breaches are becoming true incidents. Automating Enterprise Cyber Security and Cyber AI have, for manyseemed like a nice-to-have here-to-fore. That simply will not be the case moving forward.

Cyber security executives are now separating the wheat from the chaff in the Automation solution search. Finding a provider with demonstrable results is a must. CISOs are taking a collaborative proactive stance in responding to the current- and conceiving of the coming- threat landscape. As the industry collectively marches forth, we take the opportunity to release our Automating Enterprise Cyber Security Report.

Key Takeaways Include:

  • There is an industry disconnect between solution promise
    and solution actualization.
  • A lack of standardization around automation processes and solutions means global cyber security executives are not 'singing off of the same hymn sheet' thus laying the groundwork for further vulnerabilities.
  • The abundance of talent needed in DevSecOps foreshadows and overlaps with the abundance of talent needed in automation.

Thanks to our contributors:

Jeff Campbell, CISO, Horizon Power
Santosh Kamane, VP Information Security, DBS Bank
Iain Lumsden, Director InfoSec, Denver Health
Kayne McGladrey, Senior Member, IEEE
Tim Woods, VP Technology Alliances, FireMon

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