Shift Left Is Upon Us
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Shift Left is upon us. In the past few weeks and few months we've published demos, event sessions, webinars and whitepapers all sharing how organizations can embed security earlier on in the DevOps process. To ensure code is delivered securely and on pace with the speed of the business, developments teams are carrying an additional responsibility of securing their code prior to it being pushed to production. Jim Routh discusses his thoughts on TF7.
Episode Overview:
One of the most respected Cyber Security Professionals in the world and Former CISO of Mass Mutual, Aetna, KPMG, DTCC, and American Express, Mr. James Routh appears on Episode #179 of Task Force 7 Radio to break down what companies should be doing to defend themselves against supply chain attacks and how CISO's should be thinking about their DevOps programs moving forward. Mr. Routh also gives his thoughts on how the new U.S. administration should shape Cyber Security Policy and if the newly announced sanctions against Russia went far enough to be a successful deterrent against future attacks. We wrap up the third segment of the show getting his thoughts on the Cyber Security job market and the talent war, as Mr. Routh breaks down what employee retention should really look like.