

Mobile-centric Zero Trust Security Framework [WATCH On Demand]

Seth Adler | 07/15/2020

Cyber Security Hub APAC Summit Session Highlight

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Mobile-centric Zero Trust Security Framework
Alex Mosher, Global VP Solutions, MobileIron
How should organizations reinvent themselves to drive digital transformation in the post-COVID-19 world? Infrastructure and operations leaders should implement an Everywhere Enterprise Zero Trust strategy focused on enabling dispersed workers and distributed infrastructure to serve customers everywhere.

Passwords are no longer sufficient protection against breaches because users are accessing information from a variety of untrusted devices, apps, networks, locations and services. So, in the reality of today's security world how does an organization protect itself? One answer is with a Zero Trust approach and framework to security. But with numerous theories about Zero Trust, how do you ensure that you've taken the right approach? in this session, discover how to:
  • Drive business innovation with mobile productivity by giving employees the ability to use mobile, cloud and endpoints
  • Enforce corporate security without impacting the user experience
  • Redefine enterprise security strategies to address a perimeter-less environment

View each CSHub APAC session on-demand now.

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