

Leading Yourself And Others Through Crisis And Change

Seth Adler | 08/20/2020

As we just discussed in "The Flipside of Security Awareness," with so much recent success on the security awareness front, there is one unanticipated benefit of which most CISOs might not yet be aware. My how the tables have so quickly turned regarding awareness.

Dennis Leber is looking hoping to benefit from all of the front lines awareness by asking  "What's the one thing you'd like me to fix today?"

That question accomplishes a few goals. First is further benefiting the enterprise with insight from new cyber security advocates. It also, as mentioned, has the potential of highlighting something which the CISO might not yet see. Finally though, it gives the CISO the opportunity to hear each person- especially if a given person feels that the business is not listening to them. All which directly connects to this week's TF7 episode.

Episode Recap

Founder of the Selby Group and Co-Host Andy Bonillo's personal executive coach Mrs. Jennifer Selby Long joins Andy for Episode #147 of Task Force 7 Radio to talk about her experiences coaching over 3000 executives in Fortune 500 and Silicon Valley startups. Jennifer provides great insight and advice on how to handle ineffective bosses, the do's and don'ts of leading yourself and others through crisis and change, and how to lead and influence while working remotely. Jennifer also reveals her perspective on moving through your leadership career. All this and much more on Episode #147 of Task Force 7 Radio.

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