All Access: Threat Detection and Response 2023

February 21 - 22, 2023 | Free CS Hub Online Event

Josh Davies

Senior Technical Product Manager Formerly a Security Analyst and Solutions Architect Alert Logic

Josh has extensive experience working with mid-market and enterprise organisations. He initially conducted incident response and threat hunting activities as an analyst, before working with organisations to identify appropriate security solutions for challenges across cloud, on-premises and hybrid environments.

Agenda Day 1: 21 February 2023

10:00 AM Tracking the actors behind the threats with activity clustering

With threat actors constantly evolving their tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), it is important that organizations are aware of the latest TTP trends to protect themselves.

Alert Logic has dedicated SOC analysts, data scientists and security researchers to continuously hunt for the latest and emerging threats and campaigns. This human-led process has complimented automated detection and helped stop threat actors from evading.

During this webinar Alert Logic will share understanding of distinctive threat actor groups it has amassed and how it has been keeping track of TTPs used.

John Davies, product manager at Alert Logic, will explore the process and benefits behind activity clustering. The former threat hunter will share information on the favored tactics used by threat groups, uncovered from real-life examples within the Alert Logic customer base.

Join this session to learn:

·       The process and benefits behind activity clustering

·       Which TTPs are favored by threat groups and what that tells us about them

·       Real-life examples of identifying compromises from Alert Logic’s research