Building Cyber Security and Protecting Industrial Control Systems in Asia Pacific

7-8 September 2022 l Online l Going Live: 9AM SGT

Mariya Novakova

Cyber Security Risk Adviser Rio Tinto

Agenda Day 2: 8 September 2022

9:00 AM PANEL DISCUSSION: Accountability and Responsibility - Minimum Baseline to be Addressed for O&G and Transport

  • How are you looking to adopt a culture of cyber security for faster informed decision making?
  • How are you looking to embed a collaborative approach internally to assess when and where cyber security needs to be involved? 
  • How are you securing and protecting data from an availability and integrity stance to protect the safety of people?
  • How are you assessing and managing risk?
  • How can we begin to address internal risk and threats to secondary, and tertiary parties?
  • What steps can be taken to determine security of the whole infrastructure and what steps are you taking to assess the arising challenges of managing a complex environment with legacy applications and vulnerabilities across the organization?