Building Cyber Security and Protecting Industrial Control Systems in Asia Pacific

7-8 September 2022 l Online l Going Live: 9AM SGT

Jeff Campbell

Manager, Technology (CIO) Horizon Power

Agenda Day 2: 8 September 2022

11:00 AM FIRESIDE CHAT: Assessing IT and OT Major Challenges and the Wider Impact on the Business and Citizens

The speed at which the attackers can now pivot through an organisation’s network has dramatically increased. There is a need for security holistically and with that in mind, this session will address:

  • Collaborating with HR to create formal sign-off processes, creating DevSecOps workflows and limiting access to the entire infrastructure as much as possible
  • Identify key data groups and interactions where access rules can be applied based on roles and other policy considerations to safeguard data
  • Revamping the security strategy to give it greater oversight over security
  • Identification of critical assets and capturing information to support the risk management programme