Building Cyber Security and Protecting Industrial Control Systems in Asia Pacific

7-8 September 2022 l Online l Going Live: 9AM SGT

Meet the Speakers


Simon Lee-Steere
Simon Lee-Steere
Deputy Chief Security Officer
nbn Australia
Daryl Pereira
Daryl Pereira
Director, Office of the CISO
Google Cloud APAC
Alexander Wilson
Alexander Wilson
Head of Security and Risk Services
AGL Energy
Simon Cowley
Simon Cowley
Principal Cybersecurity Officer
Victorian Department of Health
Salem Al-Elwi
Salem Al-Elwi
Head of ICS Cybersecurity
Saudi Aramco
Mariya Novakova
Mariya Novakova
Cyber Security Risk Adviser
Rio Tinto
Jeff Campbell
Jeff Campbell
Manager, Technology (CIO)
Horizon Power
CK Chim
CK Chim
Field CSO (APJ)
Scott Hesford
Scott Hesford
Director of Solutions Engineering, APJ
Kem Pehlivan
Kem Pehlivan
General Manager, APJ