Smartnumbers authenticates callers and detects fraud in real-time, combining the power of AI and community, we build a world of trust in every call.
The impact of fraud is alarming, affecting millions of people and costing the UK alone almost £7bn, which accounts for 40% of all crime. Shockingly, 61% of fraud is connected to the contact centre, with one in every 500 calls coming from a fraudster.
Unfortunately, current authentication methods often frustrate genuine customers, create inefficiencies and fail to stop fraudsters who conceal or manipulate their phone number. With 58% of fraudsters withholding their number, spotting the concealed risk can be challenging.
We are revolutionising the industry by equipping organisations with real-time insight into the risk of a caller. We combine artificial intelligence, deep domain knowledge and a consortium of confirmed fraudsters to prevent fraud and streamline customer experience.