Each week Cyber Security Hub offers an Incident of the Week for consideration by the community. Initially, the incidents centered around misconfiguration, credential stuffing, password exposure, phishing, unauthorized access, malware and ransomware.
Q3, 2020 has shone a light on global state adversaries attacking US government and election related entities. Ransomware attacks, ransomware payments and Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) all made news. And insider threats along with more advanced social engineering all took place.
Here is how the Incident of the Week played out each week of Q3, 2020 here on the Cyber Security Hub:
- Alabama Hit By 2nd Ransomware Attack In As Many Months
- The Infamous Twitter Attack & What Enterprises Can Learn From It
- Chinese Hackers Accused Of Freelancing For The Chinese Government
- Russia Utilizes Hacking 101 Strategies Toward Government And Energy Sector Targets
- Garmin Pays $10 Million To Ransomware Hackers Who Rendered Systems Useless
- Russia’s Cyber Threat Du Jour Prompts The FBI And NSA To Release A Joint Statement
- Social Media Data Scraped And Found Unprotected Online
- Thwarted Ransomware Attack Against Tesla Serves As A Warning
- Equinix Is The Latest In A Long Line Of Ransomware Victims
- Shopify Internal Data Breach Exemplifies Insider Threat Trend